DELTA 710 609 90 SVN1 w ;uu FROM Projetos WHERE proj_edit_id = '$editId' AND (proj_situacao_execucao = '4' OR (proj_situacao_execucao = '1' AND proj_dt_termino_prorrogacao IS NOT NULL)) ORDER BYENDREP DELTA 764 0 434 SVN&N"M{ M $this->peloTipoAcaoAlimentaVariaveisEspecificas($nomeCodigoConsulta);ENDREP DELTA 760 0 401 SVNXE}DbLZ2hhJ,$cww^pP4nW^ 5ne{ $projetoViewCancelamento = new ProjetoViewCancelamento($moduCodigo); //EPC - 25/09/2014 - Comentei essa ação pq não se alterará mais as justificativas. //A cada cancelamento é uma nova justificativa // } ENDREP DELTA 619 2185 1294 SVNey32fFy:9orQA@z^moUXx Gx^Xn7;0`P6J2Tړ0"GݥmF%OZCkB`zOž衐n9gs' uzsTeKzчXIM<4sEJskGuzI"B?A }%pgwݳlP2P7}Mu炙!;ϡTג!Ⱥ}fw8 U- ZM$TK@=YLÈ{4Ѧo.s6--¥1 WuKZ^=\v-P"c]ۗ6vR'l:iB]_@l3R2VX͠2\A6!IL2llO}"Y>39dyw$h7Y Q]J[c9G;EYثK V}` ]qld Rqn<8uhR RIkliR]Y" Šod.c30&g"+O NRlh_:HWt @EbO#!# [5a9i,tA0%͞i>`=4ndzHރQT;q"E eҡ!Ҵ}P郀ZϏR-Clß#j~89IENDREP DELTA 712 4346 807 SVNkI-9,erRT 14-}0=.0x^An0EHaear*"D+lkO(D,Pӳb5 PRJK?cöv [ņ,,+qA'͒n f>B1'BH0Z&ln Z86Yc[zN4ː] 9dFI6i_>%!8武kXC돖ȓZ.C?$ZDs,vo)A}Ex^0f7=I _pOM $ᮩ&F㺷\I-SL&WO]wX±5ENDREP id: d-577.3-621.r765/2578 type: file pred: d-577.3-621.r710/1921 count: 11 text: 765 0 400 2353 9b87fb0498e0dff06f4bb77158005cc2 16910487a2f47b001e2a99e42a5c7ad97efd0fe3 764-mz/_3 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/AJAX/getprojetosporeditalprorrogacaoprojetos.php copyroot: 621 /SSAP_V1.2.0/AJAX/getprojetosporeditalprorrogacaoprojetos.php PLAIN K 38 getprojetosporeditalavaliaprojetos.php V 26 file 4-548.0-621.r710/1285 K 39 getprojetosporeditalcancelaprojetos.php V 25 file a-577.1-621.r714/316 K 40 getprojetosporeditalfinalizaprojetos.php V 26 file d-574.2-621.r710/1601 K 43 getprojetosporeditalprorrogacaoprojetos.php V 26 file d-577.3-621.r765/2578 K 39 getprojetosporeditalreativaprojetos.php V 25 file i-619.4-621.r713/347 END ENDREP id: 1-608.0.r765/3308 type: dir pred: 1-608.0.r714/1036 count: 13 text: 765 2904 391 391 b81094d2bacb0e17198dee5b1c6c0fa9 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/AJAX copyroot: 0 / id: 1q-446.0.r765/3470 type: file pred: 1q-446.0.r764/802 count: 115 text: 765 424 106 15385 8ab8722e3bdb4c7df58470e4f57399f3 13610be735ae5cd94376261d38f5c4b0f3d38c4c 764-mz/_5 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontroller.class.php copyroot: 0 / id: f-590.0.r765/3722 type: file pred: f-590.0.r764/1052 count: 28 text: 765 553 334 6293 730c777f5908b8b5b0ead7da7b4e98fd dababcc6d959f707f01cd7876190f7629b992fe7 764-mz/_6 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontrollercancelamento.class.php copyroot: 0 / id: 9-619.0.r765/3983 type: file pred: 9-619.0.r737/6558 count: 8 text: 765 910 1245 6009 d9f676192745fd53a252040929892f59 c032ffed08ec6f7c30a2c4d744621f941de4bc1f 764-mz/_7 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontrollerreativamento.class.php copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 45 agrupamentoparasubmissoescontroller.class.php V 23 file w-446.0.r446/16368 K 28 agruprogcontroller.class.php V 23 file y-446.0.r471/20811 K 24 areacontroller.class.php V 24 file 10-446.0.r446/17394 K 28 areasubacontroller.class.php V 24 file 12-446.0.r446/13746 K 27 assuntocontroller.class.php V 24 file 14-446.0.r528/92960 K 34 dadosbancarioscontroller.class.php V 24 file 16-446.0.r446/17617 K 29 documentocontroller.class.php V 23 file 6-674.0.r674/10969 K 26 editalcontroller.class.php V 23 file 18-446.0.r683/7108 K 32 envolvimentocontroller.class.php V 23 file 1a-446.0.r597/8924 K 30 grandeareacontroller.class.php V 24 file 1c-446.0.r471/21063 K 35 grupodepesquisacontroller.class.php V 24 file 1e-446.0.r446/17848 K 9 index.php V 24 file 1g-446.0.r446/15702 K 26 membrocontroller.class.php V 24 file 1i-446.0.r446/13066 K 32 participacaocontroller.class.php V 23 file 1k-446.0.r545/7515 K 36 periodosubmissaocontroller.class.php V 23 file 4-659.0.r674/10710 K 28 programacontroller.class.php V 23 file 1m-446.0.r557/6835 K 28 projassucontroller.class.php V 23 file 1o-446.0.r535/8763 K 27 projetocontroller.class.php V 23 file 1q-446.0.r765/3470 K 36 projetocontrolleravaliacao.class.php V 22 file 4-587.0.r737/6042 K 43 projetocontrollercancelamento.ant.class.php V 26 file f-590.0-715.r732/3263 K 39 projetocontrollercancelamento.class.php V 22 file f-590.0.r765/3722 K 38 projetocontrollerfinalizacao.class.php V 22 file h-590.0.r737/5782 K 40 projetocontrollermantemprojeto.class.php V 22 file 4-586.0.r678/6523 K 53 projetocontrollermantemprojetoadministrador.class.php V 22 file 6-586.0.r737/6817 K 38 projetocontrollerprorrogacao.class.php V 22 file 8-587.0.r737/5273 K 39 projetocontrollerreativamento.class.php V 22 file 9-619.0.r765/3983 K 27 relacaocontroller.class.php V 24 file 1s-446.0.r533/42609 K 27 subareacontroller.class.php V 24 file 1u-446.0.r446/13293 K 31 tipocriacaocontroller.class.php V 24 file 1w-446.0.r446/15471 K 30 vinculacaocontroller.class.php V 24 file 1y-446.0.r529/11376 END ENDREP id: 5-446.0.r765/6283 type: dir pred: 5-446.0.r764/3351 count: 165 text: 765 4244 2026 2026 3b58c399df7b406aa94e976d39bb6338 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers copyroot: 0 / id: e-586.0.r765/6455 type: file pred: e-586.0.r737/9305 count: 12 text: 765 2182 370 3785 fca1055cc274082614cff93ef24afcc1 20e906dc91b580490d09db06cc1d8f961c4a875a 764-mz/_9 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/Views/projetoviewcancelamento.class.php copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 39 agrupamentoparasubmissoesview.class.php V 24 file 4j-446.0.r446/23443 K 18 areaview.class.php V 24 file 4l-446.0.r446/23948 K 21 assuntoview.class.php V 24 file 4n-446.0.r446/22531 K 28 dadosbancariosview.class.php V 24 file 4p-446.0.r446/24678 K 23 documentoview.class.php V 22 file c-674.0.r678/8918 K 20 editalview.class.php V 23 file 4r-446.0.r683/9490 K 24 grandeareaview.class.php V 24 file 4t-446.0.r446/26106 K 29 grupodepesquisaview.class.php V 24 file 4v-446.0.r446/24898 K 9 index.php V 24 file 4x-446.0.r446/24161 K 26 participacaoview.class.php V 23 file 4z-446.0.r660/2535 K 30 periodosubmissaoview.class.php V 23 file 9-659.0.r674/13549 K 22 programaview.class.php V 22 file 51-446.0.r663/427 K 21 projetoview.class.php V 23 file 53-446.0.r737/9553 K 30 projetoviewavaliacao.class.php V 22 file c-585.0.r654/8429 K 33 projetoviewcancelamento.class.php V 22 file e-586.0.r765/6455 K 32 projetoviewfinalizacao.class.php V 22 file e-585.0.r654/8183 K 47 projetoviewmantemprojetoadministrador.class.php V 22 file g-586.0.r654/7432 K 32 projetoviewprorrogacao.class.php V 22 file g-585.0.r654/7694 K 33 projetoviewreativamento.class.php V 22 file p-619.0.r654/7184 K 21 relacaoview.class.php V 22 file 55-446.0.r640/181 K 21 subareaview.class.php V 24 file 57-446.0.r446/25335 K 25 tipocriacaoview.class.php V 24 file 59-446.0.r446/22747 K 27 tipodocumentoview.class.php V 23 file g-674.0.r674/13796 K 37 usuarioview-Até-2014-07-04.class.php V 26 file 5b-446.0-675.r675/563 K 21 usuarioview.class.php V 23 file 5b-446.0.r660/2779 END ENDREP id: a-446.0.r765/8268 type: dir pred: a-446.0.r737/11354 count: 153 text: 765 6705 1550 1550 74ad0ff2f3bd60b99f1df23729b89375 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/Views copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 3 ADO V 21 dir 2-446.0.r755/4689 K 4 AJAX V 21 dir 1-608.0.r765/3308 K 7 Classes V 21 dir 4-446.0.r448/4364 K 11 Controllers V 21 dir 5-446.0.r765/6283 K 20 DocumentosDeProjetos V 23 dir 5-627.0.r627/230517 K 3 Img V 19 dir 3-608.0.r608/78 K 8 Includes V 22 dir 6-446.0.r446/19867 K 2 JS V 22 dir 7-446.0.r650/12046 K 6 Models V 21 dir 8-446.0.r737/5107 K 7 Modulos V 21 dir 9-446.0.r686/4371 K 5 Views V 21 dir a-446.0.r765/8268 K 41 incluimontadiretoriosartefato_include.php V 21 file 1-690.0.r691/376 K 9 index.php V 24 file 5f-446.0.r446/27422 END ENDREP id: 0-446.0.r765/9002 type: dir pred: 0-446.0.r764/4091 count: 278 text: 765 8435 554 554 3120a04ed222d9f2512d365eaa952ec4 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0 copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 10 Documentos V 19 dir 0-1.0.r682/1741 K 34 DocumentosSubmetidosPorProjetistas V 21 dir 0-674.0.r674/6253 K 15 V 24 file 0-420.0.r424/696871 K 15 V 24 file 0-416.0.r416/114832 K 15 V 24 file 0-444.0.r444/243264 K 11 SSAP_V1.2.0 V 21 dir 0-446.0.r765/9002 K 9 index.php V 24 file 1s-236.0.r360/16107 END ENDREP id: 0.0.r765/9526 type: dir pred: 0.0.r764/4615 count: 765 text: 765 9160 353 353 655fcc3dcd0654aac9cb42bd1b321aca cpath: / copyroot: 0 / 1q-446.0.t764-mz modify-file true false /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontroller.class.php d-577.3-621.t764-mz modify-file true false /SSAP_V1.2.0/AJAX/getprojetosporeditalprorrogacaoprojetos.php e-586.0.t764-mz modify-file true false /SSAP_V1.2.0/Views/projetoviewcancelamento.class.php f-590.0.t764-mz modify-file true false /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontrollercancelamento.class.php 9-619.0.t764-mz modify-file true false /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontrollerreativamento.class.php 9526 9665