DELTA 711 0 670 SVN“4”g‚†D€‚ƒ,‡‚ˆsŠA‚proj_edit_id = '$editId'" . " AND proj_situacao_encaminhamento = '2'" . " AND proj_situacao_execucao = '1'"; // EPC - 22/09/2014 - Trazer somente projetos em execução (proj_situacao_execucao = '1') // para serem cancelados. // ////ENDREP id: a-577.1-621.r714/316 type: file pred: a-577.1-621.r711/694 count: 11 text: 714 0 293 2663 d7eb0781adc38740c83f9a2454492198 f35d8ef677533cc362fcf1c45ada2e2eaa4b217c 713-lk/_3 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/AJAX/getprojetosporeditalcancelaprojetos.php copyroot: 621 /SSAP_V1.2.0/AJAX/getprojetosporeditalcancelaprojetos.php PLAIN K 38 getprojetosporeditalavaliaprojetos.php V 26 file 4-548.0-621.r710/1285 K 39 getprojetosporeditalcancelaprojetos.php V 25 file a-577.1-621.r714/316 K 40 getprojetosporeditalfinalizaprojetos.php V 26 file d-574.2-621.r710/1601 K 43 getprojetosporeditalprorrogacaoprojetos.php V 26 file d-577.3-621.r710/1921 K 39 getprojetosporeditalreativaprojetos.php V 25 file i-619.4-621.r713/347 END ENDREP id: 1-608.0.r714/1036 type: dir pred: 1-608.0.r713/1067 count: 12 text: 714 632 391 391 24f80ee50f298958b15a09b2cb157e3d cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/AJAX copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 3 ADO V 21 dir 2-446.0.r712/7238 K 4 AJAX V 21 dir 1-608.0.r714/1036 K 7 Classes V 21 dir 4-446.0.r448/4364 K 11 Controllers V 21 dir 5-446.0.r708/2989 K 20 DocumentosDeProjetos V 23 dir 5-627.0.r627/230517 K 3 Img V 19 dir 3-608.0.r608/78 K 8 Includes V 22 dir 6-446.0.r446/19867 K 2 JS V 22 dir 7-446.0.r650/12046 K 6 Models V 22 dir 8-446.0.r712/10646 K 7 Modulos V 21 dir 9-446.0.r686/4371 K 5 Views V 22 dir a-446.0.r712/12869 K 41 incluimontadiretoriosartefato_include.php V 21 file 1-690.0.r691/376 K 9 index.php V 24 file 5f-446.0.r446/27422 END ENDREP id: 0-446.0.r714/1766 type: dir pred: 0-446.0.r713/1797 count: 227 text: 714 1197 556 556 5945d143505513e91e8332e83bd3f210 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0 copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 10 Documentos V 19 dir 0-1.0.r682/1741 K 34 DocumentosSubmetidosPorProjetistas V 21 dir 0-674.0.r674/6253 K 15 V 24 file 0-420.0.r424/696871 K 15 V 24 file 0-416.0.r416/114832 K 15 V 24 file 0-444.0.r444/243264 K 11 SSAP_V1.2.0 V 21 dir 0-446.0.r714/1766 K 9 index.php V 24 file 1s-236.0.r360/16107 END ENDREP id: 0.0.r714/2290 type: dir pred: 0.0.r713/2322 count: 714 text: 714 1924 353 353 3387388eb69419c5103e5a561d3e9fdd cpath: / copyroot: 0 / a-577.1-621.t713-lk modify-file true false /SSAP_V1.2.0/AJAX/getprojetosporeditalcancelaprojetos.php 2290 2429