DELTA 587 800 1139 SVNf43f2a,wi]W~og^ RpvD0x^T]k0}?h&14>ekFGinkWC$+;v Ճ-]stt?TT:hP'JH `ؘQߕؚe5ewƈW `m w51K=Zpns.<GiTk)r,I7_ZPa,~ -Nh X+"){E=!(U{FEFAY> ۸$V􆨼5Re}} HٍGNi)/oJQt"hqZyHkGdr>6@f˴(h[]p|60uBpڅ@[cs%xcE},9~ K^ @{l@niwοA) x#ςRn ȩ[h_pQ~wZ `͍qCǂH_>%X %0 swWpϤ֟OgvhENDREP DELTA 624 1106 37 SVN'S'8,_HQdataAtual = date ( 'Y-m-d' ); $whereDeConsultaEditais = "edit_publicado = '1' AND edit_dt_inicio_proj <= '$dataAtual' AND edit_dt_termino_proj >= '$dataAtual'"; , $whereDeConsultaEditaisENDREP DELTA 597 936 234 SVNx( S ?Q`QdataAtual = date ( 'Y-m-d' ); $whereDeConsultaEditais = "edit_publicado = '1' and edit_dt_termino_proj < '$dataAtual'"; $this->getProjetoView ()->montaEditaisEProjetosConsulta ( $this->getProjetoModel (), $this->getEditalController (), $this->getEditIdCon (), $nomeArquivoPHPAJAX, $whereDeConsultaEditaisENDREP DELTA 610 1568 1429 SVN?*1TjZ ,//realizadataAtual = date ( 'Y-m-d' ); $whereDeConsultaEditais = "edit_publicado = '1' and edit_dt_termino_proj < '$dataAtual'"; , $whereDeConsultaEditaisENDREP DELTA 624 1230 334 SVNmS]8,R~QdataAtual = date ( 'Y-m-d' ); $whereDeConsultaEditais = "edit_publicado = '1' and edit_dt_inicio_proj <= '$dataAtual' AND edit_dt_termino_proj >= '$dataAtual'"; , $whereDeConsultaEditaisENDREP id: 8-587.0.r628/1745 type: file pred: 8-587.0.r624/6575 count: 10 text: 628 1231 219 7466 bbfe014976eea3c3dced6f190667b3a6 142049e3c1287b7608668c048de6d2fbfcbefba7 627-j2/_6 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontrollerprorrogacao.class.php copyroot: 0 / id: h-590.0.r628/2006 type: file pred: h-590.0.r597/8408 count: 3 text: 628 842 364 3112 72f4e8de3db06a6c529eb4c295ac3e88 be5c037a8526ed11f954b5eee71870ad0590ba89 627-j2/_5 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontrollerfinalizacao.class.php copyroot: 0 / id: 4-587.0.r628/2265 type: file pred: 4-587.0.r597/8667 count: 8 text: 628 0 549 3252 8eb54b0a8816676131b7120a53d04df9 2bc7bf1802b402ad76e608bde6e59edada1a4c55 627-j2/_3 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontrolleravaliacao.class.php copyroot: 0 / id: f-590.0.r628/2520 type: file pred: f-590.0.r624/6834 count: 7 text: 628 575 242 6531 e9029754fa7a522e930a47a701f4bd34 c700a0450998a7a024909578ddcb876f9bc491d0 627-j2/_4 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontrollercancelamento.class.php copyroot: 0 / id: 9-619.0.r628/2780 type: file pred: 9-619.0.r624/7094 count: 3 text: 628 1477 242 6253 f8dfd4a7e53e98c1c490778dc8b1cc1d 31815d59268b5f7796785ae768db686b7013712a 627-j2/_7 cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontrollerreativamento.class.php copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 45 agrupamentoparasubmissoescontroller.class.php V 23 file w-446.0.r446/16368 K 28 agruprogcontroller.class.php V 23 file y-446.0.r471/20811 K 24 areacontroller.class.php V 24 file 10-446.0.r446/17394 K 28 areasubacontroller.class.php V 24 file 12-446.0.r446/13746 K 27 assuntocontroller.class.php V 24 file 14-446.0.r528/92960 K 34 dadosbancarioscontroller.class.php V 24 file 16-446.0.r446/17617 K 26 editalcontroller.class.php V 23 file 18-446.0.r595/8748 K 32 envolvimentocontroller.class.php V 23 file 1a-446.0.r597/8924 K 30 grandeareacontroller.class.php V 24 file 1c-446.0.r471/21063 K 35 grupodepesquisacontroller.class.php V 24 file 1e-446.0.r446/17848 K 9 index.php V 24 file 1g-446.0.r446/15702 K 26 membrocontroller.class.php V 24 file 1i-446.0.r446/13066 K 32 participacaocontroller.class.php V 23 file 1k-446.0.r545/7515 K 28 programacontroller.class.php V 23 file 1m-446.0.r557/6835 K 28 projassucontroller.class.php V 23 file 1o-446.0.r535/8763 K 27 projetocontroller.class.php V 23 file 1q-446.0.r610/3284 K 36 projetocontrolleravaliacao.class.php V 22 file 4-587.0.r628/2265 K 39 projetocontrollercancelamento.class.php V 22 file f-590.0.r628/2520 K 38 projetocontrollerfinalizacao.class.php V 22 file h-590.0.r628/2006 K 40 projetocontrollermantemprojeto.class.php V 24 file 4-586.0.r605/153338 K 53 projetocontrollermantemprojetoadministrador.class.php V 22 file 6-586.0.r610/3795 K 38 projetocontrollerprorrogacao.class.php V 22 file 8-587.0.r628/1745 K 39 projetocontrollerreativamento.class.php V 22 file 9-619.0.r628/2780 K 27 relacaocontroller.class.php V 24 file 1s-446.0.r533/42609 K 27 subareacontroller.class.php V 24 file 1u-446.0.r446/13293 K 31 tipocriacaocontroller.class.php V 24 file 1w-446.0.r446/15471 K 30 vinculacaocontroller.class.php V 24 file 1y-446.0.r529/11376 END ENDREP id: 5-446.0.r628/4866 type: dir pred: 5-446.0.r624/9180 count: 102 text: 628 3041 1812 1812 0d9e338e9c245c49ba893aef7c40e8fa cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 3 ADO V 21 dir 2-446.0.r624/4071 K 4 AJAX V 21 dir 1-608.0.r626/2819 K 7 Classes V 21 dir 4-446.0.r448/4364 K 11 Controllers V 21 dir 5-446.0.r628/4866 K 20 DocumentosDeProjetos V 23 dir 5-627.0.r627/230517 K 3 Img V 19 dir 3-608.0.r608/78 K 8 Includes V 22 dir 6-446.0.r446/19867 K 2 JS V 21 dir 7-446.0.r611/1219 K 6 Models V 21 dir 8-446.0.r625/2813 K 7 Modulos V 21 dir 9-446.0.r621/3891 K 5 Views V 21 dir a-446.0.r625/4528 K 41 incluimontadiretoriosartefato_include.php V 24 file 5d-446.0.r446/12838 K 9 index.php V 24 file 5f-446.0.r446/27422 END ENDREP id: 0-446.0.r628/5607 type: dir pred: 0-446.0.r627/231241 count: 161 text: 628 5038 556 556 fab96ba4790123d767ffa4e8080f3caf cpath: /SSAP_V1.2.0 copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 10 Documentos V 21 dir 0-1.0.r627/230131 K 15 V 24 file 0-420.0.r424/696871 K 15 V 24 file 0-416.0.r416/114832 K 15 V 24 file 0-444.0.r444/243264 K 11 SSAP_V1.2.0 V 21 dir 0-446.0.r628/5607 K 9 index.php V 24 file 1s-236.0.r360/16107 END ENDREP id: 0.0.r628/6068 type: dir pred: 0.0.r627/231706 count: 628 text: 628 5767 288 288 f34c9ef868585b79e206d88bd4e0c04a cpath: / copyroot: 0 / 4-587.0.t627-j2 modify-file true false /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontrolleravaliacao.class.php h-590.0.t627-j2 modify-file true false /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontrollerfinalizacao.class.php f-590.0.t627-j2 modify-file true false /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontrollercancelamento.class.php 8-587.0.t627-j2 modify-file true false /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontrollerprorrogacao.class.php 9-619.0.t627-j2 modify-file true false /SSAP_V1.2.0/Controllers/projetocontrollerreativamento.class.php 6068 6209