DELTA 435 0 405 SVNΚ}Μ;‚q:š8ˆvš7—‹!›'€e›'^¨ €R‚=£>d¬Vˆk½9ˆ†,Ύ#€g…VΎ0ƒ‚oedicId, edic_id = {$edicId} andedicId, $moedId) { $resultado = NULL; $query = "select * from `FSW.SCOL`.`Aptos` where apto_edic_id = {$edicId} and and atmo_moed_id = {$moedId})"; edicId, edicId, edicId, $moedId) { $resultado = $this->consultaAtletasAptosDaEsquipeDeServidoresEscolhida($edic } ENDREP DELTA 444 473 1397 SVN½½h?T>…zšA…l‡F–+‡„—o‡nœˆ‚n‰Š>Ÿv‡Dͺ2„Wsˆ‹7žQ„ΈSedicId = $scModaEqui->edicdicId, dicId, dicId, edicId, modalidaddicId, edicServidorENDREP id: 2-108.0-326.r463/647 type: file pred: 2-108.0-326.r435/551 count: 19 text: 463 0 440 9743 e7ecd9b7319664e4e83307fc6ce2759e fb9f69d30843fae11f794318e55facb6fa6642a0 462-d7/_3 cpath: /SCOL_V0.1.0/ADO/escolhidoado.class.php copyroot: 326 /SCOL_V0.1.0/ADO/escolhidoado.class.php PLAIN K 17 aptoado.class.php V 22 file 2-12.3-27.r434/49 K 21 arbiprtiado.class.php V 21 file 2-312.0.r351/275 K 20 arbitroado.class.php V 20 file 2-99.0.r437/587 K 21 atlemoedado.class.php V 23 file 2-12.3-22.r66/1132 K 19 atletaado.class.php V 21 file 2-20.0.r432/2430 K 19 edicaoado.class.php V 23 file 2-12.4-27.r337/116 K 19 equipeado.class.php V 21 file 2-262.0.r443/434 K 22 escolhidoado.class.php V 25 file 2-108.0-326.r463/647 K 19 eventoado.class.php V 26 file 2-108.0-153.r285/1666 K 9 index.php V 20 file 2-50.0.r50/5368 K 18 localado.class.php V 22 file 2-297.0.r305/1642 K 21 modaedicado.class.php V 21 file 2-37.0.r404/1803 K 23 modalidadeado.class.php V 20 file 2-12.0.r372/727 K 24 ocorrenciasado.class.php V 21 file 2-350.0.r447/469 K 24 partidaado.class.ant.php V 19 file 4-424.0.r425/0 K 20 partidaado.class.php V 22 file 3-426.0.r461/3376 K 29 recursoimpetradoado.class.php V 22 file 3-141.0.r262/3454 K 23 resultadosado.class.php V 21 file 2-346.0.r442/373 K 19 sumulaado.class.php V 26 file 2-102.0-228.r461/3100 K 29 tiposocorrenciasado.class.php V 21 file 2-88.0.r260/1274 END ENDREP id: 1-6.0.r463/2036 type: dir pred: 1-6.0.r461/4715 count: 165 text: 463 927 1096 1096 4bfdd74626c4d437c6f2344a3688c494 cpath: /SCOL_V0.1.0/ADO copyroot: 0 / id: 8-395.0.r463/2195 type: file pred: 8-395.0.r444/1896 count: 9 text: 463 463 158 7912 c2eb9553e621ffccee8ba7d0667cd1c7 d4e7e3e0c123a0dd92cfd0efd187347378fdca3a 462-d7/_5 cpath: /SCOL_V0.1.0/Views/representanteescolheatletaviewinclusao.class.php copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 21 arbitroview.class.php V 24 file 9-15.1-131.r258/473 K 30 arbitroviewalteracao.class.php V 24 file 9-15.0-177.r258/752 K 29 arbitroviewinclusao.class.php V 25 file 9-15.1-177.r212/1046 K 20 atletaview.class.php V 24 file 9-15.4-22.r336/7563 K 28 atletaviewconsulta.class.php V 25 file 9-15.0-332.r336/8093 K 28 atletaviewinclusao.class.php V 25 file 9-15.0-331.r384/6588 K 24 defineaptoview.class.php V 23 file 9-15.0-36.r92/2883 K 33 definerepresentanteview.class.php V 20 file 7-43.0.r433/519 K 41 definerepresentanteviewdiscente.class.php V 21 file 5-43.0.r306/4045 K 41 definerepresentanteviewservidor.class.php V 20 file 2-43.0.r433/762 K 20 edicaoview.class.php V 20 file 7-125.0.r416/43 K 20 equipeview.class.php V 22 file 2-358.0.r454/1085 K 28 equipeviewconsulta.class.php V 22 file 2-455.0.r455/1101 K 28 equipeviewinclusao.class.php V 22 file 5-455.0.r455/1317 K 20 eventoview.class.php V 22 file 2-124.0.r257/1756 K 9 index.php V 20 file w-50.0.r50/9982 K 19 localview.class.php V 22 file e-297.0.r305/5366 K 24 modalidadeview.class.php V 19 file 9-15.0.r279/46 K 25 ocorrenciasview.class.php V 21 file 2-388.0.r445/963 K 21 partidaview.class.php V 21 file 2-121.0.r440/379 K 30 recursoimpetradoview.class.php V 22 file 9-193.0.r262/6316 K 40 representanteescolheatletaview.class.php V 26 file 2-124.2-395.r444/2160 K 48 representanteescolheatletaviewconsulta.class.php V 26 file 8-395.0-403.r403/5720 K 48 representanteescolheatletaviewinclusao.class.php V 22 file 8-395.0.r463/2195 K 24 resultadosview.class.php V 20 file 2-339.0.r441/62 K 32 resultadosviewconsulta.class.php V 22 file 7-427.0.r427/2941 K 32 resultadosviewinclusao.class.php V 21 file 9-427.0.r436/754 K 20 sumulaview.class.php V 22 file 2-191.0.r461/8187 K 37 sumulaviewalteracaoexclusao.class.php V 22 file b-461.0.r461/8423 K 28 sumulaviewinclusao.class.php V 22 file d-461.0.r461/7967 K 30 tiposocorrenciasview.class.php V 22 file 2-100.0.r260/2383 END ENDREP id: c-6.0.r463/4413 type: dir pred: c-6.0.r461/10607 count: 189 text: 463 2458 1942 1942 4a67b29e6bd0f083672f810e4a6bb055 cpath: /SCOL_V0.1.0/Views copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 3 ADO V 19 dir 1-6.0.r463/2036 K 4 AJAX V 18 dir 3-6.0.r50/6340 K 3 CSS V 18 dir 4-6.0.r50/8566 K 7 Classes V 18 dir 5-6.0.r462/635 K 11 Controllers V 19 dir 6-6.0.r461/7799 K 3 Img V 18 dir 7-6.0.r50/8966 K 8 Includes V 18 dir 8-6.0.r50/8162 K 2 JS V 18 dir 9-6.0.r50/9365 K 6 Models V 19 dir a-6.0.r461/6308 K 7 Modulos V 19 dir b-6.0.r410/1576 K 5 Views V 19 dir c-6.0.r463/4413 K 9 index.php V 21 file z-50.0.r50/10773 END ENDREP id: 2-1.0.r463/5018 type: dir pred: 2-1.0.r462/1235 count: 435 text: 463 4576 429 429 a79c09e403c538247c318351f7696455 cpath: /SCOL_V0.1.0 copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 10 Documentos V 18 dir 0-1.0.r366/623 K 11 SCOL_V0.1.0 V 19 dir 2-1.0.r463/5018 K 9 index.php V 20 file m-51.0.r51/3625 END ENDREP id: 0.0.r463/5311 type: dir pred: 0.0.r462/1528 count: 463 text: 463 5172 126 126 0b3d11196a3c7e857f8301906a994c37 cpath: / copyroot: 0 / 2-108.0-326.t462-d7 modify-file true false /SCOL_V0.1.0/ADO/escolhidoado.class.php 8-395.0.t462-d7 modify-file true false /SCOL_V0.1.0/Views/representanteescolheatletaviewinclusao.class.php 5311 5450