DELTA 863 0 584 SVNŪ;á ‚; †1€‚9Ø&†‚9montaQueryParaDesassociarOuvintesDeEdicaoEAtividade($ouviEdatEdevId, $ouviEdatAtevId) { $where = " ouvi_edat_edev_id = (?) and ouvi_edat_atev_id = (?) "; $query = $this->montaDeleteDoObjeto($this->getNomeDaTabela (), $where); return Array($query, array($ouviEdatEdevId, $ouviEdatAtevId));ENDREP DELTA 895 373 276 SVNį(äb  â@‚"åENDREP DELTA 861 350 290 SVNŒfjƒŒd€ƒƒ public function montaQueryParaDesassociarPalestrantesDeEdicaoEAtividade($paleEdatEdevId, $paleEdatAtevId) { $where = " pale_edat_edev_id = (?) and pale_edat_atev_id = (?) "; $query = $this->montaDeleteDoObjeto($this->getNomeDaTabela (), $where); $parametrosDoPs = array($paleEdatEdevId, $paleEdatAtevId); return Array($query, $parametrosDoPs); } } ENDREP id: 86-879.0.r896/847 type: file pred: 86-879.0.r895/672 count: 3 text: 896 363 22 12898 0702b040d01c70c779efc9fcd4fa79cd 0d10dd81179c18dfa5766d90bf7d515722b9fd8a 895-qc/_4 props: 879 52510 30 0 4160c74de5f4e580dc15660c798ff9fc cpath: /SCEC_V0.1.1/ADO/atividadedeeventoacademicoado.class.php copyroot: 0 / id: 8q-879.0.r896/1154 type: file pred: 8q-879.0.r879/54125 count: 1 text: 896 410 412 2026 c0acd027e37e34a5654be56f31646647 af29b6ca5e5de2dd6ee2493a90c166d220512ded 895-qc/_5 props: 879 54082 30 0 4160c74de5f4e580dc15660c798ff9fc cpath: /SCEC_V0.1.1/ADO/palestranteado.class.php copyroot: 0 / id: dd-879.0.r896/1449 type: file pred: dd-879.0.r895/981 count: 2 text: 896 0 340 12432 63035da651de5df1b5456eb43824d99b 09dc7f05ad6573ab3d7fbf3640ce801ec5da6c36 895-qc/_3 props: 879 55338 30 0 4160c74de5f4e580dc15660c798ff9fc cpath: /SCEC_V0.1.1/ADO/ouvinteado.class.php copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 39 atividadedeeventoacademicoado.class.php V 22 file 86-879.0.r896/847 K 21 edevativado.class.php V 23 file 33-879.0.r894/7285 K 36 edicaodeeventoacademicoado.class.php V 23 file b1-879.0.r894/6979 K 28 eventoacademicoado.class.php V 23 file 74-879.0.r894/7578 K 9 index.php V 24 file 3j-879.0.r879/53516 K 22 inscricaoado.class.php V 24 file d1-879.0.r879/52881 K 29 itemorcamentarioado.class.php V 24 file 4i-879.0.r879/51284 K 20 monitorado.class.php V 24 file 5e-879.0.r879/55072 K 24 organizadorado.class.php V 24 file 52-879.0.r879/53811 K 20 ouvinteado.class.php V 23 file dd-879.0.r896/1449 K 24 palestranteado.class.php V 23 file 8q-879.0.r896/1154 K 25 participanteado.class.php V 24 file 70-879.0.r879/54439 K 33 planilhaorcamentariaado.class.php V 24 file bf-879.0.r879/53193 K 28 tipodeatividadeado.class.php V 23 file al-879.0.r887/4611 K 27 tipodetrabalhoado.class.php V 24 file 66-879.0.r879/50966 K 29 trabalhodaedicaoado.class.php V 24 file 4u-879.0.r879/51926 END ENDREP id: 2-879.0.r896/2735 type: dir pred: 2-879.0.r895/2268 count: 10 text: 896 1737 985 985 c28faa22c909bcc58db52686b0083d6d cpath: /SCEC_V0.1.1/ADO copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 3 ADO V 21 dir 2-879.0.r896/2735 K 4 AJAX V 22 dir 4-879.0.r879/57466 K 3 CSS V 22 dir 5-879.0.r879/70532 K 12 Certificados V 22 dir 6-879.0.r879/44861 K 7 Classes V 20 dir f-879.0.r880/777 K 11 Controllers V 22 dir g-879.0.r894/11776 K 3 Img V 22 dir h-879.0.r879/71026 K 8 Includes V 22 dir i-879.0.r879/69320 K 2 JS V 22 dir j-879.0.r879/74117 K 4 Logs V 22 dir k-879.0.r879/63867 K 6 Models V 22 dir l-879.0.r894/10326 K 7 Modulos V 22 dir m-879.0.r879/50781 K 3 Tmp V 22 dir n-879.0.r879/45367 K 5 Views V 22 dir o-879.0.r894/13967 K 9 index.php V 24 file 8c-879.0.r879/86044 END ENDREP id: 0-879.0.r896/3496 type: dir pred: 0-879.0.r895/3028 count: 17 text: 896 2896 587 587 e9a8f77ce109b06ab9f945c86495b142 cpath: /SCEC_V0.1.1 copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 9 .htaccess V 21 file 0-870.0.r871/125 K 10 Documentos V 19 dir 0-1.0.r876/4291 K 15 V 23 file 0-116.0.r116/84611 K 15 V 25 file 0-877.0.r877/1471037 K 11 SCEC_V0.1.1 V 21 dir 0-879.0.r896/3496 END ENDREP id: 0.0.r896/3898 type: dir pred: 0.0.r895/3431 count: 896 text: 896 3653 232 232 add903a94bd372868ea7cc756353b3d1 cpath: / copyroot: 0 / 8q-879.0.t895-qc modify-file true false /SCEC_V0.1.1/ADO/palestranteado.class.php dd-879.0.t895-qc modify-file true false /SCEC_V0.1.1/ADO/ouvinteado.class.php 86-879.0.t895-qc modify-file true false /SCEC_V0.1.1/ADO/atividadedeeventoacademicoado.class.php 3898 4037