DELTA 808 0 773 SVNè>ë]#i"â¢Ã—‚+囁,å€HMæv€KBç|g var_dump($query, $edevId); `FSW.SCEC`.`Ouvintes` `FSW.SCEC`.`Palestrantes` sDaEdicao($edevId, $atevId) { $where = " edat_edev_id = (?) and `FSW.SCEC`.`EdevAtiv`", $where); $parametrosDoPs = array($edevId, ENDREP DELTA 808 797 640 SVN©{©O  €7…€cENDREP DELTA 808 1999 545 SVNˆuŒf ‚ ‡€‚ƒN…'‚checaSeAlgumPalestranteUsaUmaAtividade($edevId, $atevId) { $query = " select pale_edat_atev_id from `FSW.SCEC` . `Palestrantes` where pale_edat_edev_id = ? and pale_edat_atev_id = ? "; $resultado = parent::executaPs($query, array($edevId, $atevId)ENDREP DELTA 852 0 417 SVN‚&ƒ8ƒõ(‚õ,€<NøC€D‡#ûƒ parent::getValorOuNull("atevNome"), parent::getValorOuNull('atevDescricao'), parent::getValorOuNull('atevCargaHoraria'), parent::getValorOuNull("atevId"), parent::getValorOuNull('edatLocalAtividade'), $edatDataInicio, $edatHoraInicio, ENDREP id: 2-445.0-463.r861/1115 type: file pred: 2-445.0-463.r808/3644 count: 13 text: 861 303 22 5327 0279f05e7cdbfd50ce06cb1ad382ba54 29e908360d6bff450561e352d0a2e963b603007a 860-pc/_4 cpath: /SCEC_V0.1.0/ADO/edevativado.class.php copyroot: 463 /SCEC_V0.1.0/ADO/edevativado.class.php id: 2-596.0.r861/1396 type: file pred: 2-596.0.r851/3053 count: 14 text: 861 0 280 13789 2c51973e9afd5ac199907c6d4ad9b414 55ba7dad85767c024706f3a93bcab41cfc97c1d0 860-pc/_3 cpath: /SCEC_V0.1.0/ADO/atividadedeeventoacademicoado.class.php copyroot: 0 / id: 6-808.0.r861/1648 type: file pred: 6-808.0.r808/4178 count: 1 text: 861 350 290 1638 e2599bdd331a5c97b9d6692812f85045 6bfafe242c086b268ccb0edec8162d20c0f56704 860-pc/_5 cpath: /SCEC_V0.1.0/ADO/palestranteado.class.php copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 39 atividadedeeventoacademicoado.class.php V 22 file 2-596.0.r861/1396 K 21 edevativado.class.php V 26 file 2-445.0-463.r861/1115 K 36 edicaodeeventoacademicoado.class.php V 24 file 4-220.0-227.r822/56 K 28 eventoacademicoado.class.php V 26 file 2-219.1-227.r795/2172 K 9 index.php V 22 file d-218.0.r218/1278 K 22 inscricaoado.class.php V 21 file 5-445.0.r857/606 K 29 itemorcamentarioado.class.php V 21 file 2-219.0.r560/365 K 20 monitorado.class.php V 22 file 7-445.0.r684/4796 K 24 organizadorado.class.php V 22 file 9-308.0.r684/5276 K 20 ouvinteado.class.php V 20 file 2-548.0.r858/65 K 24 palestranteado.class.php V 22 file 6-808.0.r861/1648 K 25 participanteado.class.php V 20 file 2-308.0.r832/49 K 33 planilhaorcamentariaado.class.php V 22 file 4-220.0.r684/5029 K 28 tipodeatividadeado.class.php V 26 file 2-219.0-319.r777/1828 K 27 tipodetrabalhoado.class.php V 22 file 3-226.0.r684/4554 K 29 trabalhodaedicaoado.class.php V 22 file 2-231.0.r542/2680 END ENDREP id: 1-218.0.r861/2867 type: dir pred: 1-218.0.r858/1274 count: 197 text: 861 1885 969 969 a0718d4d54ebfba68e8c24f49bdbc4ec cpath: /SCEC_V0.1.0/ADO copyroot: 0 / id: h-220.0-602.r861/3029 type: file pred: h-220.0-602.r852/440 count: 47 text: 861 666 426 16824 d6bfe50428b32145cd9d32662fa02bcc eb7fd5b81b71913afbcc37ebcb955b90a174d43f 860-pc/_7 cpath: /SCEC_V0.1.0/Views/inclusaodenovaatividadeview.class.php copyroot: 602 /SCEC_V0.1.0/Views/inclusaodenovaatividadeview.class.php PLAIN K 42 cadastrodeouvintenaatividadeview.class.php V 24 file d-604.0-651.r830/53 K 50 cadastrodeouvintenaatividadeviewconsulta.class.php V 25 file d-604.1-651.r653/417 K 32 calendariodeeventoview.class.php V 22 file 8-703.0.r795/3810 K 37 edicaodeeventoacademicoview.class.php V 20 file 2-299.0.r796/49 K 46 edicaodeeventoacademicoviewalteracao.class.php V 22 file c-463.0.r463/6009 K 29 eventoacademicoview.class.php V 24 file h-220.6-227.r619/76 K 38 eventoacademicoviewalteracao.class.php V 27 file k-220.7-227.r227/11706 K 29 geracertificadoview.class.php V 26 file h-220.0-768.r854/1801 K 37 geracertificadoviewconsulta.class.php V 25 file h-220.0-771.r771/430 K 36 geracertificadoviewentrada.class.php V 25 file h-220.0-769.r773/407 K 37 inclusaodenovaatividadeview.class.php V 26 file h-220.0-602.r861/3029 K 9 index.php V 23 file 19-218.0.r218/5083 K 31 inscricaonoeventoview.class.php V 21 file h-766.0.r845/561 K 30 itemorcamentarioview.class.php V 21 file h-220.0.r527/394 K 39 itemorcamentarioviewalteracao.class.php V 23 file k-220.0.r220/11528 K 36 organizaedicaodoeventoview.class.php V 26 file h-220.0-381.r764/4086 K 44 organizaedicaodoeventoviewconsulta.class.php V 20 file 2-402.0.r422/52 K 31 presencadeouvinteview.class.php V 26 file d-604.2-647.r687/6420 K 39 presencadeouvinteviewconsulta.class.php V 26 file d-604.3-647.r663/3942 K 24 testeloginview.class.php V 25 file h-220.0-799.r799/428 K 29 tipodeatividadeview.class.php V 24 file h-220.0-346.r363/51 K 38 tipodeatividadeviewalteracao.class.php V 25 file g-226.0-369.r369/324 K 28 tipodetrabalhoview.class.php V 26 file 2-222.0-226.r226/8768 K 38 tipodetrabralhoviewalteracao.class.php V 24 file g-226.0-364.r364/58 END ENDREP id: c-218.0.r861/5056 type: dir pred: c-218.0.r854/3811 count: 226 text: 861 3347 1696 1696 7ae31b993a9303b341c550a42b490c1b cpath: /SCEC_V0.1.0/Views copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 3 ADO V 21 dir 1-218.0.r861/2867 K 4 AJAX V 21 dir 3-218.0.r218/1919 K 3 CSS V 22 dir 4-218.0.r766/71218 K 12 Certificados V 20 dir 1-841.0.r848/615 K 7 Classes V 21 dir 5-218.0.r840/1181 K 11 Controllers V 21 dir 6-218.0.r860/3309 K 3 Img V 21 dir 7-218.0.r218/3890 K 8 Includes V 21 dir 8-218.0.r218/3111 K 2 JS V 20 dir 9-218.0.r789/807 K 4 Logs V 19 dir 1-731.0.r814/17 K 6 Models V 21 dir a-218.0.r806/1621 K 7 Modulos V 21 dir b-218.0.r836/1744 K 5 Views V 21 dir c-218.0.r861/5056 K 9 index.php V 22 file k-120.0.r201/2685 END ENDREP id: 6-118.0.r861/5771 type: dir pred: 6-118.0.r860/4028 count: 614 text: 861 5222 536 536 a259894a12f4101c0554922afff213da cpath: /SCEC_V0.1.0 copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 10 Documentos V 20 dir 0-1.0.r818/16759 K 15 V 23 file 0-116.0.r116/84611 K 11 SCEC_V0.1.0 V 21 dir 6-118.0.r861/5771 END ENDREP id: 0.0.r861/6082 type: dir pred: 0.0.r860/4339 count: 861 text: 861 5929 140 140 2698f4159208129a22bfe725c451e584 cpath: / copyroot: 0 / 6-808.0.t860-pc modify-file true false /SCEC_V0.1.0/ADO/palestranteado.class.php h-220.0-602.t860-pc modify-file true false /SCEC_V0.1.0/Views/inclusaodenovaatividadeview.class.php 2-445.0-463.t860-pc modify-file true false /SCEC_V0.1.0/ADO/edevativado.class.php 2-596.0.t860-pc modify-file true false /SCEC_V0.1.0/ADO/atividadedeeventoacademicoado.class.php 6082 6221