DELTA 120 0 701 SVN“'•‚“€‚‚$where = "sdem_serv_siape = ? and sdem_reoc_id = ? "; $query = parent::montaDeleteDoObjeto(parent::getNomeDaTabela(), $where); return parent::executaPs($query, array($objetoModel->getSdemServSiape(), $objetoModel->getSdemReocId())); } } ?> ENDREP DELTA 115 710437 691 SVN“-•%‚“€‚‚$where = "sede_serv_siape = ? and sede_reoc_id = ? "; $query = parent::montaDeleteDoObjeto(parent::getNomeDaTabela(), $where); return parent::executaPs($query, array($objetoModel->getSedeServSiape(), $objetoModel->getSedeReocId())); } } ?> ENDREP id: 2-17.0-102.r155/619 type: file pred: 2-17.0-102.r120/724 count: 13 text: 155 0 284 2719 33130f14141d0edbae8fe009bf6f9123 085b91531cbd616c08137524148d4f743fbf17a8 154-4c/_3 cpath: /SADI_V0.1.1/ADO/servidordemandadoado.class.php copyroot: 102 /SADI_V0.1.1/ADO/servidordemandadoado.class.php id: 2-17.1-102.r155/913 type: file pred: 2-17.1-102.r115/721210 count: 13 text: 155 307 284 2725 c95da863a2e3dda30d47bae259d0044b f4cf8e720255e4fd03d967444e3e2d291d9451b0 154-4c/_4 cpath: /SADI_V0.1.1/ADO/servidordemandanteado.class.php copyroot: 102 /SADI_V0.1.1/ADO/servidordemandanteado.class.php PLAIN K 30 discentedemandadoado.class.php V 22 file a-102.0.r154/3946 K 31 discentedemandanteado.class.php V 22 file c-102.0.r154/4186 K 9 index.php V 24 file j-15.2-58.r58/14063 K 31 motivodeocorrenciaado.class.php V 22 file 2-17.3-58.r151/58 K 33 registraratendimentoado.class.php V 24 file u-115.0.r115/720983 K 33 registrodeocorrenciaado.class.php V 22 file 2-17.4-58.r88/285 K 30 servidordemandadoado.class.php V 24 file 2-17.0-102.r155/619 K 31 servidordemandanteado.class.php V 24 file 2-17.1-102.r155/913 END ENDREP id: 2-58.0.r155/1738 type: dir pred: 2-58.0.r154/4955 count: 17 text: 155 1214 511 511 d424e73b7ff7401ca1ef6f2b179e1c6d cpath: /SADI_V0.1.1/ADO copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 3 ADO V 20 dir 2-58.0.r155/1738 K 4 AJAX V 20 dir 5-58.0.r58/15339 K 3 CSS V 20 dir 7-58.0.r58/22755 K 7 Classes V 20 dir 9-58.0.r154/7113 K 11 Controllers V 20 dir b-58.0.r154/5653 K 3 Img V 20 dir d-58.0.r58/23197 K 8 Includes V 20 dir f-58.0.r58/22312 K 2 JS V 19 dir h-58.0.r107/539 K 4 Logs V 18 dir j-58.0.r148/60 K 6 Models V 22 dir l-58.0.r115/724431 K 7 Modulos V 19 dir n-58.0.r117/489 K 3 Tmp V 20 dir p-58.0.r58/11220 K 5 Views V 20 dir r-58.0.r154/7947 K 9 index.php V 23 file j-4.z-58.r58/26967 END ENDREP id: 0-58.0.r155/2425 type: dir pred: 0-58.0.r154/8635 count: 86 text: 155 1897 515 515 f10ff94539a464f490fcf3edd1836d37 cpath: /SADI_V0.1.1 copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 9 .htaccess V 19 file 0-41.0.r43/124 K 10 Documentos V 19 dir 0-1.0.r153/1951 K 15 V 21 file 0-59.0.r59/35465 K 11 SADI_V0.1.1 V 20 dir 0-58.0.r155/2425 K 9 index.php V 18 file m-4.0.r4/6553 END ENDREP id: 0.0.r155/2806 type: dir pred: 0.0.r154/9016 count: 155 text: 155 2580 213 213 1421028ca2a90cc7ff4c5fba9ac4761a cpath: / copyroot: 0 / 2-17.1-102.t154-4c modify-file true false /SADI_V0.1.1/ADO/servidordemandanteado.class.php 2-17.0-102.t154-4c modify-file true false /SADI_V0.1.1/ADO/servidordemandadoado.class.php 2806 2945