DELTA 1429 946 628 SVNôsõg”€¥z“`‚V—8‹º/€R®Æ^e public function buscaAtividadesCriticadasDoRelatorio($atirRelaId){ $where = " atir_rela_id = {$atirRelaId} and atir_status = 'P'// $atirAtivId) { $where = " atir_rela_id = ? and atir_ativ_id = ? ENDREP id: 4-75.2-1468.r1668/299 type: file pred: 4-75.2-1468.r1556/144 count: 50 text: 1668 0 273 15103 1594c91b8d6986571e6f649c1565bffd e7cac5678d93cbe1008019a489041e43327da8db 1667-1c9/_3 cpath: /SAAA_V0.1.1/ADO/atividadedorelatorioado.class.php copyroot: 1468 /SAAA_V0.1.1/ADO/atividadedorelatorioado.class.php PLAIN K 22 atividadeado.class.php V 25 file 2-87.0-1468.r1661/82 K 29 atividadedoplanoado.class.php V 26 file 2-374.1-1468.r1547/85 K 33 atividadedorelatorioado.class.php V 26 file 4-75.2-1468.r1668/299 K 21 doceativado.class.php V 30 file f-64.3-1468.r1537/1250141 K 21 docoeixoado.class.php V 28 file f-64.4-1468.r1468/12031 K 35 documentocomprobatorioado.class.php V 28 file f-64.5-1468.r1468/13805 K 29 documentooficialado.class.php V 30 file f-64.6-1468.r1537/1249209 K 17 eixoado.class.php V 28 file 4-75.7-1468.r1468/10517 K 9 index.php V 28 file 16-3.8-1468.r1468/12648 K 34 periododesubmissaoptaado.class.php V 29 file 2-184.9-1468.r1468/11094 K 34 periododesubmissaorasado.class.php V 27 file 2-184.a-1468.r1616/538 K 39 periodoextradesubmissaoptaado.class.php V 28 file a-917.b-1468.r1538/2958 K 28 planodetrabalhoado.class.php V 25 file 4-75.c-1468.r1552/60 K 32 prazodesubmissaorasado.class.php V 29 file 2-184.d-1468.r1468/15032 K 24 rasatrasadoado.class.php V 26 file 5-165.e-1468.r1567/63 K 33 relatoriodeatividadeado.class.php V 27 file 5-165.f-1468.r1554/434 K 24 relatorioptado.class.php V 28 file 2-1636.0-1663.r1667/443 END ENDREP id: 2-1468.0.r1668/1760 type: dir pred: 2-1468.0.r1667/1890 count: 36 text: 1668 608 1139 1139 da03c0a41637056b2045a3e110072ba4 cpath: /SAAA_V0.1.1/ADO copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 3 ADO V 23 dir 2-1468.0.r1668/1760 K 4 AJAX V 24 dir 5-1468.0.r1468/17289 K 3 CSS V 22 dir 7-1468.0.r1480/547 K 7 Classes V 23 dir 9-1468.0.r1666/4515 K 11 Controllers V 23 dir b-1468.0.r1656/7716 K 3 Img V 25 dir d-1468.0.r1468/369506 K 8 Includes V 24 dir f-1468.0.r1468/32023 K 2 JS V 23 dir h-1468.0.r1630/1180 K 4 Logs V 21 dir j-1468.0.r1657/62 K 6 Models V 23 dir l-1468.0.r1542/1854 K 7 Modulos V 23 dir n-1468.0.r1665/2771 K 3 Tmp V 23 dir 1p-1468.0.r1468/322 K 5 Views V 24 dir 1r-1468.0.r1660/5574 K 9 index.php V 29 file END ENDREP id: 0-1468.0.r1668/2504 type: dir pred: 0-1468.0.r1667/2634 count: 165 text: 1668 1927 564 564 52752c07454c1bd4cdf57d9751ba0831 cpath: /SAAA_V0.1.1 copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 9 .htaccess V 29 file 5-1643.0-1644.r1645/1343 K 10 Documentos V 22 dir 0-1.0.r1655/137606 K 15 V 28 file 0-1473.0.r1473/53715411 K 11 SAAA_V0.1.1 V 23 dir 0-1468.0.r1668/2504 K 9 index.php V 24 file 8-1627.0.r1627/2216 END ENDREP id: 0.0.r1668/2922 type: dir pred: 0.0.r1667/3052 count: 1668 text: 1668 2667 242 242 fd0aca5a5cd9f91fae6280aa66cb2769 cpath: / copyroot: 0 / 4-75.2-1468.t1667-1c9 modify-file true false /SAAA_V0.1.1/ADO/atividadedorelatorioado.class.php 2922 3065