DELTA 431 0 602 SVN DxC#'J tVBparseFloat($("#totalDePontos" + indiceDaAtividade).text()); .toFixed(2) (totalCalculado.toFixed(2) - .toFixed(2)); }); } //function teste() { // $(document).ready(function () { // // The limiter will display the text in Spanish // $('#name').inputlimiter({ // limit: 50, // remText: '%n caractere%s restantes.', // limitText: 'Campo limitado a %n caractere%s.' // }); // }); //}ENDREP id: 5-196.0.r442/514 type: file pred: 5-196.0.r431/625 count: 13 text: 442 0 491 1793 d32bbb8cdc09543ab431ea234f35dd45 4138dff0d30722f6e3a100d30f8a542ff9ece323 441-cs/_3 cpath: /SAAA_V0.1.0/JS/calculos.js copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 11 calculos.js V 21 file 5-196.0.r442/514 K 9 index.php V 24 file n-3.1-18.r135/20135 K 28 jquery-InputFileStyle.min.js V 22 file 7-195.0.r195/2407 K 20 jquery.1.11.3.min.js V 23 file 2-225.0.r225/41199 K 19 numericInput.min.js V 21 file 2-364.0.r364/727 K 23 relatoriodeatividade.js V 21 file 5-364.0.r364/931 END ENDREP id: a-3.0.r442/1064 type: dir pred: a-3.0.r431/1175 count: 32 text: 442 734 317 317 5a88dbade0967d28f5014617df822d43 cpath: /SAAA_V0.1.0/JS copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 3 ADO V 19 dir 2-3.0.r440/5806 K 4 AJAX V 19 dir 4-3.0.r196/1407 K 3 CSS V 19 dir 5-3.0.r195/2207 K 7 Classes V 19 dir 6-3.0.r362/2805 K 11 Controllers V 19 dir 7-3.0.r440/8604 K 3 Img V 20 dir 8-3.0.r135/19979 K 8 Includes V 20 dir 9-3.0.r135/19107 K 2 JS V 19 dir a-3.0.r442/1064 K 6 Models V 19 dir b-3.0.r440/7383 K 7 Modulos V 20 dir c-3.0.r374/12370 K 5 Views V 19 dir d-3.0.r441/2298 K 9 index.php V 24 file n-3.5-18.r135/22300 END ENDREP id: 0-3.0.r442/1673 type: dir pred: 0-3.0.r441/2914 count: 349 text: 442 1219 441 441 d21ae074e2c1a460e19ce5c224aac2c1 cpath: /SAAA_V0.1.0 copyroot: 0 / PLAIN K 10 Documentos V 19 dir 0-1.0.r439/2484 K 11 SAAA_V0.1.0 V 19 dir 0-3.0.r442/1673 END ENDREP id: 0.0.r442/1927 type: dir pred: 0.0.r441/3169 count: 442 text: 442 1827 87 87 b221d3ca6d1e5f677050859fc083096f cpath: / copyroot: 0 / 5-196.0.t441-cs modify-file true false /SAAA_V0.1.0/JS/calculos.js 1927 2064